Dear club members, former members and friends of the club,
The last number of years have seen our club develop and expand to a facility we can be rightly proud of. We have seen the addition of a new Juvenile playing pitch, all-weather sand training pitch, kicking wall, a gym for all members, two new dressing rooms and extra car parking spaces.
The next step in the continued development and improvement of our facilities is the work currently being undertaken on our main pitch. While our pitch has long been considered a good pitch there have been a number of occasions over recent years where training and games have had to be cancelled or home advantage conceded due to an unplayable pitch surface, particularly after periods of heavy rainfall.
The works which form part of the club’s three-year plan, consist of levelling, drainage and reseeding the pitch. The work is being done to the same high standard as many inter-county pitches around the country. The benefits of these developments will last a lifetime. In total, nearly 13km of drains will be laid under the pitch. As well as an improved playing surface, the main benefit of the works will be to significantly increase the availability of the pitch during poor weather especially at the start and end of the season.
Some adjoining fencing will also be installed along the roadway between the main pitch (behind the goal) and the new juvenile pitch.
It is my strong belief that we all have a part to play in the development of our club and its facilities.
Our target for this fundraising initiative is €70,000 and I am asking you, if possible, to play your part and support Kilmeena GAA Club with our pitch development fundraiser, “Ball on the Wall”.
The fundraiser allows for the name of an individual, family or loved one to be inscribed on a granite ball to be permanently displayed on the wall of the stand.
To support the fundraiser, please note the following points:
· A standing order for €5 per week needs to be left in place for two years and must reference the sender’s name when being setup so that they can be identified by the club.
Banks details are as follows:
Kilmeena GAA Club, Ulster Bank.
IBAN: IE34 ULSB 9864 3040 3050 88
· Alternate payment options are available - please contact any member of the finance committee.
· If you have online banking, it is normally a simple process to setup a standing order without the need to visit the bank.
· Company or corporate donations would also be greatly accepted as part of this fundraising drive.
· If you are not contacted but would like to donate, then please contact a member of the finance committee.
· If you have family members or friends with links to the club that are living outside the parish or abroad, then please let them know of this initiative.
If you have any questions in relation to the fundraising, please speak with me or contact any member of the finance committee to discuss.
Padraic Moore (Treasurer): 087 2861 190
Mike Slattery: 087 2384 200
Maura Hastings: 087 2139 779
Carmel Higgins: 086 3230 955
Majella McGonagle: 087 9829 958
John McDonald: 087 2475 733
Yours in sport,
John McDonald
Chairman, Kilmeena GAA Club