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Child Safeguarding Course

Please note that a Child Safeguarding Course will take place in the Club House Kilmeena on Tuesday the 15th of October from 7pm to 10pm. It is mandatory that any person in the Club who has regular contact with persons under the age of 18 years has completed this Safeguarding course.We are anxious to recruit more male and female coaches in the Club for the coming year and this must be a first step towards that goal.The Course is paid for by Kilmeena G.A.A. Club and is free to particapants. Anyone wishing to undergo the course should now give their name to Annette Lonergan at 086 8298305 as soon as posible,as only 16 people can be accomadated on the night.This course is specifically aimed at parents who are interested in volunteering their time and helping out with a team their child may be playing with.It also serves those members who previously completed this course and now wish to renew,this course has a lifespan of three to five years,so there are quite a number of club members due for renewal.

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