On behalf of everyone at Kilmeena G.A.A. Club I wish to sincerly express the Club's thanks to everyone who took part in, or contributed in any way, to making the Day of Play a fantastic success.
Fundraising is difficult, even in the best of times, but the cost of keeping the club doors open in any given year can be enormous and is a huge burden. We have to do our best to ensure that there is finance there to meet bills coming in, hence the need for days like today, and the National Club Draw.
This year we undertook this fundraiser in an effort to try and spread the fundraising load to everyone in our Club. I wish to thank the various team managers for planning the various events - without their input it would be difficult to have held this day.
It was great to see the innovation of some of our management teams. I also wish to thank all the teams that undertook the various challenges in magnificent spirit.
I also want to thank all those who baked and made trays of sandwiches for todays event. It was heartening to see the wide array of food being brought upstairs. Once again, thank you for your generosity.
The club is asking anyone with cards which have not been sold to please make a huge effort this week to sell as many lines as possible and return the cards to the various team managers. Our Club AGM takes place on Saturday, 24th November at 7 30pm, and it is our hope to have this process completed before the meeting.
The purpose of events like yesterdays Day of Play is primarily fundraising, but we are also concious of the need to encourage more parents to become involved in coaching and mentoring teams.
I think the Day of Play was a good first step.
Once again, thank you for your generosity and continued support for the Club. Willie Keaveney