On behalf of Kilmeena G.A.A. Club I wish to sincerly thank each and everyone of you for turning out today and for your continued support with the running of the Annual Paddy Golden Blitz, which has become a prestigous event in our Clubs life. Firstly, I wish to congratulate the various winners, Paddy Golden Cup A section, Westport A, Section B Islandeady, Section C Westport C, and last but not least the Ladies Section, Westport A.
Indeed I want to congratulate the 350 boys and girls that participated today, in the blitz, they are the real winners and I hope each and everyone present enjoyed the day.
The organisation and the running of this blitz is a major undertaking for any Club, and I am extremely thankful and proud of the various Club members who assisted today. Firstly I want to thank the Golden family for their continued sponsorship of the event. I want to thank those who assisted with the parking, Joe Sheridan for doing a professional job with the "board", the umpires, referees linesmen, photographers the co ordinators of the various games who ensured that the games were ran off smoothly, the ladies who ensured that everyone got refreshments and the parents for their genorisity in supplying the sandwiches etc. All who helped with the setting up of the pitches and the girls who helped with the shop.
Today was a wonderful example of all that is good with Club life, no doubt there were challenges today, but they were overcome, and its testement to the many volunteers today that they were able to harness their skills, and their goodwill to ensure that this event was the very special occassion that it was for Kilmeena Club. My apologies if I omitted anyone.
Go raibh maith agaimh go leir.