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Safe Return to Play Gaelic Games

What requires to be fulfilled before you return to Gaelic Games

Read and familiarise yourself with the Safe Return to Play Guidelines and latest updates on the GAA website:

Complete the GAA eLearning module

Take a screenshot of the certificate and send to your team manager/team Covid-19 Supervisor

This step only needs to be completed once.

Complete the GAA online Health Questionnaire:

Training Sessions:

  • For Parents of underage children -

Before training – Login into the Health Questionnaire again and click the blue button RECONFIRM THIS, alongside your child’s name to confirm their Health Status is okay

This step needs to be completed before each training session/game until further notice

  • Arrive at training on time and togged out. (Dressing Rooms will not be open for now)

  • Sanitise your hands when you arrive at practice and again when you are leaving

  • Maintain proper hygiene etiquette and social distancing where possible

  • Please bring your own water bottle with your name on it and DO NOT SHARE WITH OTHERS.

"We all have a personal responsibility to make sure that all in our club and community stay safe".


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